Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Mr. Fahs was da bomb.com

Since y'all don't know any of my high school teachers, I'll let you know what all of the teachers around here were like in high school. The following is 100% factual information: First off, this Mr. Fahs. He was obviously the star of his high school. I'm talking about star of the basketball, baseball, and football teams, star student with straight A's, star of the school play, and star of everyone's heart. #stud But for realz, I played basketball and baseball for 4 years, football for 2 years, was valedictorian of my class (only got one B in all of high school), worked at a DQ and was the best ice cream maker in history. Devlin. She was clearly the star student to the point where she not only did all of her assignments, but she did them all a second time in Spanish! #muybien #latarea #megusta Alexander. They actually had to create a new grading scale for how good she was at math. It went F, D, C, B, A, Alexander. If you got an Alexander on an assignment you never got below a 500% on anything. (If you don't understand that, it's ok, 5 out of every 4 of my students don't understand math) Hudson. In 4 years of high school, she read every book. I mean every book ever published. She read War and Peace 42 times! (look it up if you don't know how long that book is) Davis. Wait did they even have schools way back then? I didn't think so. But he did win every caveman competition. He shot bow & darrows so accurately he took down woolly mammoths from 500 yards. He made it look EZ outrunning saber toothed tigers. Krohn. She was so cool in high school (as she still is), she made MIRANDA look lame! Like seriously if Miranda went to school with Krohn, Miranda would be like Stone here. #nogame Moral of the story: all your teachers were awesome in their high school/caveman days. Especially these 6. Be like us (or like Mike) and you'll change the world! #bestblogever