Sunday, November 18, 2018

I Miss Jacyle Clanman!

Well, after a few requests and someone finally giving me a blog prompt they wanted me to write about, I decided to blog again. I actually did find the book from the seniors' week 6 prompt, so this is not an "imagine" situation, but it's real life, in the real world. We ain't talkin to no models we got real girls. That was for you Jake and Kyle. The first question I found the answer to was what will become of my little baby 7th graders from 2013-14 in their futures?! Here's what I found out. Colton Shawback will be spending the rest of his life sittin and sellin turnips on a flatbed truck. But one day the beautiful love of his life will walk up and find him and ask for good directions and they'll live happily ever after. Heston will become president of NASA because of her deep love for science, and she will find a way to let people live on Mars. Jake-up will be the first one to volunteer to live on Mars, as he will get bored with Earth and Matt Damon is his hero. Naturally, Kyle will go with him, and they will be make the movie Stepbrothers 2 on Mars. Paige will go to college, major in science (all of them), and marry Aaron Thierer after they fell in love orbiting each other in physical science class. Finally, Teagan will finally graduate in 2018-2019 at the age of 100 and need a cane to get up the stairs at graduation. It'll be like Billy Madison, but I guess Teagie Madison? Everyone in the class will go on to live happy, healthy lives, and I'm glad I read this part of the book because I miss them so terribly! P.S. I read the section about Braden Mark's future, and he will be forced to guest lecture for Mr. Fahs' 7th grade science class every year when he teaches about albinism, since he couldn't give me a prompt to right about and Sydney had to instead!