If it wasn't obvious to y'all, my first blog entry was not really mine. First off, would I ever call Hudson awesome? No. Second, it is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too lame to extend the last letter of a word to get your point across, so I would never do such a thing. That's what exclamation points are for!!!!!!! Finally, although I enjoy hash-tagging (especially when people complain about it), I would never say "true story, bro." Everyone knows "bro" is lame, and the hip way to say it is "brah." Anyway, my blog was rudely hacked by an unnamed English teacher - isn't that a Class V felony worth 5-10 years of prison time? Oh well, I guess I'll have to teach HS English too. Don't you worry, don't you worry though because my blogs will no longer be hacked and will only contain the truth from now on. #fahsiscoolerthanhudsonandalexandercombined #alldayerryday #getonmylevel #happycolumbusday #peaceout