Saturday, October 17, 2015


Oh shoot, my name is Ethan Zulz, blogs are due this weekend, and I have only done one of them! I'm going to fail!!! Just kidding, I've already graduated high school, so I'll blog when I want (about as often as Kanye comes out with a good song). I've had three homes: LaMoille, Quad Cities, & Washburn. Fortunately, unlike Ms. Hudson, none have them have a smog problem, so I actually have two very healthy lungs! Since you guys already know what Washburn is like, I'll tell you about LaMoille, since I still consider that home, along with Washburn. The day I interviewed to teach here, I called Washburn "LaMoille South" because it had so many similarities to my hometown. Obviously the size of the two towns was similar, but there were so many similarities between the students here and the students I remember from high school that I was like, "is this real life?" First off, we had the kid who denied liking country music like everyone else, but secretly had a hillbilly bone down deep inside. His name was Ethen Zultz, and he was also a star basketball player. Next, we had the token "I think I'm fast, wear all kinds of athletic apparel, try to play sports, but really I'm not faster than a single member of Class Reptilia" kid. His name was Rock Barrow, but he was surprisingly good at shooting bow an darrows. Finally, we had the girl with the best nickname, Maranduh "Ozzy" Osbourne, who actually looked JUST like Ozzy. Despite that issue, she was actually better at basketball than Ethen and Rock COMBINED! That is just a few of the similarities between my old and new homes, but the Cubs are about to start, so I can't go into detail on the rest. But rest assured, we also had the school bully, Jorden Chee, who shoved all the freshman into lockers and the smartest girl in the school, Gwendolyn Welch, who was only smart because she did nothing but study science into the wee hours of the night. Hope you all enjoyed learning about some of the people I went to high school with! P.S. I almost forgot we had a twin named Sammy Klayton, who we all were pretty sure was a triplet, but ate the third baby in the womb!


  1. ***IMPORTANT NOTE*** I only responded to the junior class prompt this week because we also had a student we called "Bad, Bad Rilann Wornkeys, baddest man in the surrounding counties" who EVERYONE wanted to be like.

  2. Those are the worst opening sentences that I've ever read.

  3. You have the audacity to not even mention me in this?! WOW I see how it is....

  4. once again your loving sister is not in your blogg..

  5. Jesse - I am so sorry. I hope my newest blog earns your forgiveness!

  6. Poor Rock Barrow can't pull off all of what I can
