Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Reading is awesome!

Well, since I'm not actually a part of your class I guess I have to create fictional (but most likely real) answers to each of these topics. Here goes:

Most Interesting Part of This Class: Reading! We all love it so much Ms. Hudson; in fact you should make us read even more! We just say we don't like it to act "kool," but I even heard Makynlee and Ina Marie say how much they love reading on the prom committee trip to look for locations. They were even secretly reading books in Hudson's car when she wasn't looking! #scholars #books #sogood #betterthanmovies #handsdown #nocontest #teamfahs
Most Boring/Useless Part of This Class: Stone Darrow. Enough said. #snooze #zzzzzzzzz
Hardest I Laughed in This Class: The time Miranda said she cooler than her way cooler, awesome, fantastic little sister Teagan. How hilarious is it that she said that?!
Favorite Memory from This Class: The time Ethan Zulz sang every single word to "She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy" by Kenny Chesney. We were all so impressed that he took the time to memorize every lyric and become a country music fan.
Best Thing About Hudson as a Teacher: How accurate she is shooting a bow and darrow. It's scary. I know we are all so well behaved because we're scared she'll go Katniss Everdeen on us and shoot us in the finger if we so much as have a pinky out of place.
Thing Hudson Could do to Make This Class Better For Future Classes: Be more like Mr. Fahs. Let's be honest, we're all really #teamfahs and just deny it to humor Ms. Hudson.
Any Final Comments for Hudson: Next year, make the basketball players work even harder. I'm talking have them read 5 books a day.


  1. First off, I don't even know "She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy" did we listen to that 2 times maybe? I'm alright with the 5 books a day concept, though. #theyreallyarebetter Also, Stone Darrow is the most boring/useless part of class, which he carries on to the basketball court with him. #hismomistherealMVP

  2. Are you kidding me Fahs. I'm def cooler than Teagan. So stoppp.

    1. Keep dreamin youngblooddddddddddddddddddd! (I can be cool and extend the ends of words too)
