Monday, August 25, 2014

School is EZ but STONE cold awesome!

Wassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssup Juniors?!

I'm going to try to blog at y'all every week this year, instead of the like three times I did last year. That means you all better be read to get called out this year, not just Ethan, Stone, Trey, & Osborn. Anyway, to get to Ms. My Lungs Are Full Of Smog Hudson's blog prompt, I am ecstatic to get back to school, although I could have used a few more weeks to get ready for the school year (play golf). From the teacher's perspective here, my most challenging class has been the 8th graders who love to talk - think about it, there are Teagan, Harrison, Bryce, & Lacie who have such bad influences for older siblings (cough, miranda gwen ina marie, cough). Easiest class has been the 7th graders, but look at their amazing older sibling influences - Jaylyn, Makynlee, Ethan (Miranda I give Chelsea credit for Robert being an angel). Geez, Hudson asks a lot in these; I'm looking forward to ALL my classes and have the goal for my students to learn like 2, maybe 3 things this year. FINALLY, I'm looking forward to some Wildcat/Bobcat sports all year long! Good luck Gwen, Miranda, Emily, Jaylyn, Jordan (?), and any other volleyball players on Thursday night!

THE Wizard of Fahs

P.S. Don't challenge me to creative sentences in Hudson's vocab word things. You will lose. Ask stone, ethan, & trey. #kingoftreasurewords #canttouchthis


  1. I don't know how to lose #ImtherealMVP #stillindenial #mysentencesarewaybetterthanyours #andmyhashtags

  2. #I'vealreadystartedthetreasurewordschallangeandIrefusetolose #longesthashtagever

  3. Do you need a cough drop? You sure cough alot.

  4. P.S. The new girls name is T- Swizzle. a.k.a Tator
