Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Junior Class Princesses

Wazzzzzzzzzzzzzup junior class? Remember the "wazzzzzzzup" commercials from the early 2000s? Oh, you guys were like toddlers then? My bad. Since I blogged with last year's seniors for 3 years, & my next class to sponsor doesn't have Hudson yet, I suppose I can blog with you guys for my annual 3 or 4 blogs this year. It's a huge honor, so consider yourselves lucky. Check out my past 3 years' blog posts for proof. Or if you don't believe me, just watch. I decided to blog with your class because I'm already starting to cry my eyes out that my baby 8th graders from my first year are all growing up, driving (how did some of you get your licenses? *coughJASONHENRYcough*), and only have 2 years of high school left. Remember when we hashtagged everything for months on end 3 years ago and made the rest of the school mad? #memories #insertcryingemojihere Alright, so this week 1 blog. I'm already behind on these, and I probably won't blog again until October. I am so glad to be back to school. I mean, I'm just like Hofstatter #1 and need school to get a full dose of math and science in my life. Without it, my life basically starts crumbling. All of my classes I teach are awesome and full of great kids, EXCEPT my 7th hour study hall! What a challenge that group is. But what do you expect with Jessie, Kelsie, & Sophia all in there?! Talk about the biggest thugs in Washburn. I was going to do this blog last week when Kelsie and Sophia were in the computer lab blogging themselves, but OF COURSE Jessie started playing "The Floor is Lava" and climbing all over the desks in my room! If you think Jessie is bad, just wait until I tell you about Princess Cook & Princess Rebman. EVERY DAY, they complain about 90 times before the bell even rings to start 7th hour. Now, just because I am a rich teacher, they are DEMANDING to be treated like princesses every day. They make poor Ashli fan them, feed them grapes, and carry them on a throne anywhere they need to go. They make Bryce sing and dance for them. They bully poor Nagini about how she doesn't have legs and the weird gap in her tongue, so much so she just pouts under her tree all day. And worst of all, they made me order tiaras, glass boot slippers, thousand dollar gowns, and oompa loompa servants for them! Ugh! My special goal for this year is simply to save enough money after that to just pay my rent and buy food. I am looking forward to all my other classes though, especially basketballology 103, which I hope Evan squared and Konnar all return for. I also am excited to be returning to school myself to take Fashion 102. Hopefully Miss Malec isn't as mean as she was 3 years ago, but I think that was enough time for all the emotional scars to heal. Hope you all have a great junior year! P.O. for now, Fahs


  1. Why pick that class when we are clearly the superior class

  2. We were clearly the best and most well behaved class Fahs has ever had!! #swagg. I gotta say though that it is quite weird not having him as a teacher this year. I barely ever see him anymore. Seahorse kind of misses you. (not too much, just kind of). but in all honesty i feel that the two Princesses deserve as much royalty as possible. You havent failed as a teacher for this amazing Junior class. Sooo lets just see what these next years bring!!

  3. We were clearly the best and most well behaved class Fahs has ever had!! #swagg. I gotta say though that it is quite weird not having him as a teacher this year. I barely ever see him anymore. Seahorse kind of misses you. (not too much, just kind of). but in all honesty i feel that the two Princesses deserve as much royalty as possible. You havent failed as a teacher for this amazing Junior class. Sooo lets just see what these next years bring!!
