Sunday, November 20, 2016

Fahs: 4; Devlin: 1

Hey remember when Ms. Devlin said she would outblog me this year? Psh, child please. I know it's a week late, but I had to do this blog because we did thorns & roses at our weekly meetings for my CA (like an RA, but at Augustana we were COMMUNITY advisors unlike them weirdos at Wesleyan) job in college. So, here's all my thorns & roses for last week...get ready there's a lot of them: Thorn 1: Illinois Wesleyan "University"...seriously how is such an institution still in operation? I'm pretty sure Ms. Hudson just created it as a fake college like South Harmon Institute of Technology in the movie Accepted. Thorn 2: Taylor Sego....she said she wished Ms. Hudson & Ms. Devlin were junior class sponsors but NOT me!!! What a savage. I guess she earned herself a permanent spot at #3 in the Sego family rankings, but I don't think even that makes up for how much I cried after she said such a horrible thing. Thorn 3: Becca "BECC-UHH!" Jones. Have any of you met someone so mean?! All she does is make fun of me for wearing shorts or sweatpants instead of dress clothes at school when I have practice. If only she realized how much that makes me cry too. You'd think she wants to become another savage fashion expert for me like Kirsten. Thorn 4: Speaking of Kirsten....Kurstin Malleck is thorn #4. She stopped by my room once this week, and I was all like "Hi, Kirsten it's so great to see you," and she just calls me a loser. More crying from me. Throse (thorn & rose combined) 1: Princesses Cook & Rebman. I mean they've made my study hall great again, but they both were gone from it for a day this of course I cried about that too. Rose 1: ALL the upperclassmen on our basketball team. How awesome are Evan & Jake? Definitely roses as we get ready for our Thanksgiving tourney. I mean they're such ballers, we might just play the whole tournament 2 on 5. Also, Jake Hausmann Night...2/17/ there. Rose 2: Thanksgiving lunch on Friday...I think the tryptophan is still affecting me as I type this. Also, seniors #1 & #2, Jess & Ashli, helped serve up all that delicious food. Rose 3: Taylor Hofstatter got a deer before her brother. So glad I get to give him grief about that now. Rose 4: Jason Henry's almost daily reminders of all the ways the world could end. He really keeps me well prepared. Rose 5: The fact that I went to Augustana and not Wesleyan. God, what a relief! Look forward to my 5th blog of the year soon, as I extend my lead over Devlin.


  1. Uhm in my defense I actually said I didn't KNOW if I wanted you to be or not because you were being a sass and I don't need that kind of negativity in my life.

  2. And tbh, I don't think I really care if I'm number three because I only have one more year for that to matter anyways.

  3. Am I the Jess you speak of in this blog? I am pretty sure you haven't called me that in like.. EVER. So I'm just checking. Typically I'm Garber or something so this just caught me off guard. Maybe you aren't even taking about me. That would be embarrassing that I thought you were.

  4. I'm glad you mentioned me in this blog. Also, I was your number one rose, which warms my heart.
